Vide lamps projects

The crowning of the center of your home. Tailor-made in many styles and designs. Here you will find a number of vide projects that we have carried out.

We have a wide range of ceilings in all colors and sizes. For example, we have several French ceilings,but also Bohemian ceilings for if you like this style more. Is your dream copy not listed? Do not hesitate to contact us.

We carry out Vide lamp projects with great care. We can help you with the manufacture of your dream copy,with the assembly of your chandelier and then with the maintenance.



Philharmonie Haarlem

Projecten /Philharmonie Haarlem Het oorspronkelijke gebouw stamt uit 1872-1873 en is ontworpen door de Haarlemse architect Adrianus van der Steur (1836-1899). De eigenaar en exploitant van het complex was de herensociëteit "Vereeniging", Lees meer



Projecten / Paushuize Geschiedenis Paushuize heeft zijn naam te danken aan Adrianus VI, de enige Nederlandse paus, die het huis vanaf 1517 liet bouwen. Adriaan Floriszoon Boeyens was in die Lees meer